Vbazzar, first video review website

Instead of looking to your products review images and videos and loop through different pages, Vbazzar.com lunch the idea of creating products from people reviews as it allow you to view a product very quick in short video collected from the most known e shops

The Main Idea


Vbazzar uses to get much contents from the online stores that allow embed content in other sites, therefore it will collect the most valuable content for the same product to provide a useful information for the visitor to take a purchase decision.

Articles and blogs


Vbazzar add important articles related to the product experience to help the people to get more details if they would about the products that need to be described.

So you can view  valuable reviews on the below link

Further it provides a easy way to search for specific product as you can see in the screen shot screen-shot-2016-12-05-at-1-41-00-am

you can pay a visit on it in the below link


The team behind Vbazzar promise always to make it under development to help the people get quick review as fast as possible.

Vbazzar is powered by Rozn.org and its now on beta version, However Vbazzar will be available in UK and German in the next versions with more categories and features.