Let’s begin with this number 2500,000,000,000,000 which is the number of bytes that human beings entered every day in 2012. Mankind has never stored this amount of data before [1].
90% of the available data in the world were made two years ago. Due to the internet that provided an easy way to enter, share and store data [2].
It is expected that in 2015 there will be 3 billion people on the internet publishing information that has the size of 8 zeta bytes every day [3].
When we talk of numbers, there a lot of numbers that are surprising in this field. You might find an article talks about the big amounts of data in the social media, smart phones, or stocks…etc.
A new conception called BID DATA stated to show up in the last recent years as a challenge with companies and as a title for a scientific research since the number of the published (big data) papers in the last two years equals the number of papers that were published in the history of research.

What is Big Data?
Regarding the definition of Wikipedia, Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate [4].
Big data is a relative concept that is measured by the size of each institution, some institutions may consider the data they deal with so huge while it worth nothing for another institution!
What is the value of this data, do we need to store this data?
Yes, some wonder why do we have to store all that data, it’s too much, why can’t it be an instantaneous data?
Firstly, let’s agree that we live in a time in which whoever has information, he definitely has power, so don’t miss any of the big companies like Google, Facebook, and any other chance to save data, for example Google, don’t waste the opportunity to save all users search results even if you typed anything in the search field without searching, save the period of your time while waiting and meditating in the search results, and save mouse movements of yours. Facebook also stores all data you delete.
This data is certainly valuable and having it means wealth. Who can manage, process, and take advantage of it will achieve a lot of successes.
On the commercial level with the emergence of Business Intelligent that can make decisions automatically through previous data and learning, whereas it shows the results for employers at any time that suits your customers and what goods they prefer, what is the best time to import goods, what better time to sell products, and what is the relationship between products and the relationships that are difficult to configure. It also able to decide directly (importation request, sales. etc.). In Rozn as a company specified in eCommerce products and applications, we usually use Big data analysis and business intelligent for clients whom own big data bases in order to help them increase sales force and enhance the business.
It can also be used in the health sector to know and anticipate diseases through a combination of symptoms suffered by a large group of patients, link properties and discover it’s relationship with medications.
And by this see that different sectors until they reach to governmental decisions that started working very hard in this field to link decisions based on experience of previous data.
V3 form: (Volume, Velocity, Variety)
Through this form we can measure the dimensions of the huge data by specifying the extent of the degree of their size, complexity and special processing performance.

So, the Volume shows the size of the data, Velocity is the speed of data processing, and Variety is the diversity of this data and the different styles of it. When thinking of any solution to process this big data, we should consider every dimension of the form until it is implemented and effective. We will talk later about the techniques used in big data.
Stay tuned with another blog.
[1] – [2] radicati.com , news.cnet.com , blog.kissmetrics.com ,businessinsider.com , americanis.net
[3] Asigra
[4] wikipedia
[5] techtarget